I've been managing to get the odd game in since Jake was born but the act of model-painting has not taken place since I finished my vampires towards the end of May. This is obviously unacceptable, newborn in the house or not, so I decided that it was time to pull the paintbrush out of its dusty scabbard and to get back in the saddle.
I find that, when one has been absent from the painting table for a while, it's more important than ever to start with a model that you really want to paint, as opposed to a model that is being completed out of some sense of obligation. With that in mind, I moved my essential supplies up to the kitchen table (near the hub of baby care) and began work on a single 28mm Gothic Horror model. I'll keep you in suspense until he's finished, but here's a hint for those who like guessing games - This model will complete all available options for my Werewolf warband. I've said too much.
Now that I've opened the "here's what I'm doing now" can of worms, let's bring things up to speed shall we? Here's a list of what I plan on accomplishing in the near-ish future:
By the end of Summer:
- My Hungarian Monster Hunters (including all options) for Chaos in Carpathia. 18 models in total.
- My 1500 or so points of 15mm sci-fi models for Future War Commander and other games. Comprised primarily of Heavy Gear models sprinkled with some 15mm infantry.
- Finish modelling and painting the Games Workshop plastic watchtower that I bought three years ago. I want it finished so that I can use it in both Chaos in Carpathia and Warmachine/Hordes.
By Christmas:
- My 15mm Irish for Impetus. I'm hoping to paint a diverse collection of models which will allow me to field both a Dark Age Norse-Irish army as well as a later 14th century Irish army. "What is the incentive for such a multi-purpose force?" I hear you ask. As it turns out, between now and Xmas, Marc will be painting his medieval English while Chris E. plans on painting a Norman army. I hope to use my new army to play against both forces while remaining historically-believable.
- My 28mm Alkemy collection. I have the majority of models for the Avalonian faction and both Marc and Ken have models (with some of Marc's already completed). It should be a fun game that will allow me to take advantage of my newly-refurbished 28mm terrain collection.
Stuff that's fallen by the wayside:
- My small handful of unpainted Cygnar models for Warmachine. Frankly, this is ridiculous. I mean, I have one heavy warjack and four infantry models left in my collection, all assembled and primed. Even though I'm rekindling my interest in the game, and for that matter, increasing my frequency of play, painting the models pushes me completely over the edge. I hope to prove myself wrong and get them finished in spite of my lack of inspiration. I would love to play the damn things but our game group has a strict "painted-only" policy.
- Early in the New Year I made some noise about 28mm Fantasy Impetus. I think it's something I've going to do at some point, but a 28mm mass battle project (even one with a lower model count like Impetus) is not something that I'll likely embark upon this year. Again, time will tell.

What I really like about the book (in addition to it's wonderful layout and high-quality production value) is that it presents three levels or approaches to painting. After one is mastered, the painter can try to advance to the next level or stay where he is, or in the case of larger projects, mix the different approaches depending on the desired level of detail or numbers being painted. It covers some topics in great detail (such as painting horses) and really goes through everything the novice needs to know to get good results. Nothing is assumed.
Just to be clear, I'm not associated with Foundry in anyway, but if you're new at the painting racket, or perhaps if you just aren't satisfied with the results you're achieving, I would recommend it. I also just noticed that Foundry is offering all of its books at 50% off with free shipping.
Anyway, I've babbled enough for one day. I'm off to cook supper and to get a bottle ready for the baby.
Thanks for reading,