Saturday, September 24, 2011

28mm Viking Hirdmen for SAGA

My apologies for the long dry spell in the blogging department. I've been back on the painting and playing wagons for a few weeks now but, thanks to a hard drive crash, my at-home computing has seriously dropped off as of late. Please accept this first unit of Gripping Beast Vikings as proof of my continued dedication to the art of geekery.

The SAGA game has been getting a lot of press lately and some of the guys in the group, me included, are patiently awaiting the arrival of our pre-ordered rules. After some pondering, I went with the Vikings for numerous reasons, not the least of which was Keir gratiously offered me some models from his collection and, as a lad, I actually lived in L'anse Aux Meadows and played "Vikings" in the sod huts at the National Historic Site.

While I'm on the apologies, sorry that one of the guys in the photos looks like an axe-wielding Santa Claus. It was unintentional and I never realized it until the paintjob was finished.

As to the painting table, I'm currently moving quite swiftly (by my standards) through my Avar army for Impetus. In fact, I've almost finished painting and basing the cavalry arm of the army. The group is just getting back into the Fall routine so I'm sure there'll be lots of interesting things to report and showcase over the coming months. Hope some of you guys are still out there and, as ever...

Thanks for reading,


Christopher(aka Axebreaker) said...

Lovely crisp painting. Having picked up the rules from Alex I'll for sure give it a try. The Dark Ages are my favourite period and Vikings are one of the first historical armies i collected.


aamedor said...

I envy anyone who has the skill and patience to actually paint minis

Monty said...

Great work Jason, very impressive mate:D

JET (aka Jason) said...

Thanks for the comments guys.

Sorry to hear about your Dad Chris. I hope all is well in spite of the circumstances.

Dux Homunculorum said...

Welcome back! These look great. My Saga rules are on the way, and I'm looking forward to painting up some warpands. I love the muted colours you have used - they look very realistic.

Paul O'G said...

Nice one! We are still loving our Viking gaming and while SAGA is very tempting, Age of Blood suits us fine at the moment. Having said that, I know I'll crumble if I see a demo game... :-)

Dalauppror said...

Very nice painting Jason !

Looking forward to the rest of the Warband!

Best regards Dalauppror

The Extraordinarii said...

Yes very nice, I like the dark tones used, mental note * I must get into this period*

Keir said...

Bad Santa! Nice paint jobs Jason. I am going to follow you the once with my Normans.

Anonymous said...

Have ever made any progress and the chaos army from 2010. I like the direction you were going in and would like to attempt something similar.

JET (aka Jason) said...

I never did do anything else with that Chaos project. In short, I moved on with the 28mm Goblin project instead. I won't say never but I would hardly say that the Chaos project is anywhere near the forefront of my mind right now.

I think a lot of had to do with table space. We learned very fast that a 6x4 table doesn't make for a very good game of 28mm Impetus, fantasy or otherwise.